Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Deep

There has been so much going on in my mind lately. Grad school starts in less than a week, as does my internship at Hillhouse High School. I'm pretty anxious about both of those things, for better or worse. I'm pretty certain I'll be fine, but this waiting period has my mind delving into the darkness of "worst-case scenario."

I'll deal with it when it comes. That's all I can do.

Here's to hoping that thought will work for other facets of life...

I have a lot to get done...maybe I should do that stuff instead of blogging.

- Daley

Sunday, August 1, 2010

...Write that down.

I'm tired of playing catch-up with the vision of my future that I placed in my head many years ago. Life isn't a race, but I struggle with the idea that where I want to be will continue to be simply that...where I want to be.

I've been feeling weird in my skin lately...a feeling I was sure would be over with after the quintessential teenage years. That certainly hasn't been the case.

Love is an amazing thing. Maybe it will find me someday. I could start wearing brighter clothing..

If there was a GPS for human decisions and indecisions, I'm pretty sure mine would be incessantly advising me to "Please make the next legal u-turn."

What's great about telling people you're a writer is that you can almost never be lying. I search things on Google, I make check-lists, fill in my planner, occasionally post to a pretentious blog.......all of which include writing in some form. They don't need to know that your novel writing has hit a wall because you've realized that you don't know what your story's central/essential conflict is. Frustrating...

I'm reading a book that I'm really enjoying. I wish I wrote it.

The best advice is saved for the people you care about...yet nothing sounds more unreasonable and useless than when you try saying it to yourself.

"Everything happens for a reason" is a coping mechanism, not an answer.

Time is an interesting concept...almost religious. The idea of its existence is abstract, yet it controls our lives in almost every way. We base our decisions on it, mark our successes and failures by it, and we want it on our side. You are brought up to believe in it, and although you may question its power at times, you want nothing more than to believe that it is going to be there for you.
