I think as humans, we all get caught up in what our life is lacking from day to day. We become consumed with the idea that the absence of certain things is a mark of failure. I know I've been a victim of these thoughts...and I probably still will be after I'm done writing this. It's human nature I guess...this struggle for total gain of the things we think we need in our lives. At some point, you need to figure out what your needs are, and whether or not you can acquire them through your own control.
It's probably no secret that my love-life has been rocky over the past four years. By no means was it all bad or anything...I'd hate to sound bitter and regretful...because I'm not. In fact, I learned a lot and had some amazing experiences. I also got to learn a lot about myself through people that I really cared about. I've had a lot of time to reflect on this sort of stuff, and I guess I just feel as if there is something missing in my life. Maybe I'm nostalgic for the feelings I had in my past. Maybe I miss that reliability and the certainty of comfort and support. Maybe it's all of it. Maybe it's none of it.
It's love.
The older adults in my life...the people who have been in my shoes before...tell me that it gets better from here. I hope they're right, and I'm sure they are...
...But for now, I'll just focus on the things I do have in life...the things that have made my life great...
- Daley